Hadrien Croubois

PhD | Research Scientist

French PhD in computer science from the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon.
Blockchain, Cloud and distributed systems expert.

My talks



A Cloud-aware Autonomous Workflow Engine and Its Application to Gene Regulatory Networks Inference
Communication Aware task Placement for Workflow Scheduling on DaaS-Based Cloud
Self-Adaptive Density Estimation of Particle Data
Étude pour la conception d'une architecture autonomique et collaborative de gestion de workflow sur infrastructure dynamique
Fast Image Based Lighting for Mobile Realistic AR
Standardized Multi-protocol Data Management for Grid and Cloud GridRPC Frameworks


M1IF - ENS de Lyon - 2016-2017

Teaching materials:

  • [17 feb] TP1 - Image manipulation
  • [17 feb] TP2 - Histogram manipulation
  • [9 march] TP3 - Local filtering, gradient and Corner detection
  • [16 march] TP4 - Connected components extraction
  • [24 march] TP5 - DGtal, Tracing and Border Extraction
  • [31 march] TP6 - Border Extraction and DSS Segmentation
  • [7 april] TP7 - DSS Covering and Normal Vector Estimation
  • [14 april] TP8 - Voronoi Map/Distance Transformation via Jump Flooding
  • [28 april] TP9 - Convex Hulls and Digital Convex Hulls
  • [5 mai] TP10 - Height maps and Mesh visualization
M1IF - ENS de Lyon - 2016-2017

Teaching materials:

M1IF - ENS de Lyon - 2015-2016

Teaching materials:

M1IF - ENS de Lyon - 2015-2016

Teaching materials:

  • [18 sept] TP1 - Introduction to MPI
  • [25 sept & 2 oct] TP2 - Sorting networks
  • [9 oct] TP3 - Matrix multiplication
  • [16 oct] TD1 - P-RAM
  • [23 oct] TD2 - P-RAM & Linear networks of processors
  • [6 nov] TP4 - Pipelined matrix multiplication : Cannon"s algorithm
  • [13 nov] TP5 - Simulation & benchmarking using Simgrid
  • [20 nov] TP6 - Simulation & benchmarking using Simgrid (2)
  • [27 nov] TD3 - Scheduling (1)
  • [2 dev] TD4 - Scheduling (2)
  • [4 dec] TD5 - Automatic parallelization
  • [18 dec] TD6 - Automatic parallelization (2)
  • [11 jan] TD7 - Scheduling (3)

Extra ressources:

Prepa MP/MP* - 2012-2013

TP 1 - Remise à niveau (2 & 9 oct)

TP 2 - Les automates (23 & 30 oct, 20 & 27 nov)

TP 3 - Le codage de Huffman (4 & 18 nov)

TP 4 - Les Arbres rouges-noirs (5 fev)

TP 5 - Multiplications rapide (12 fev)

TP 6 - La programmation dynamique (5 mars)

TP 7 - Les Graphs (12 & 19 mars)

  • sujet (159,2 ko)
  • corrigé bientot disponible



Work hadrien.croubois@iex.ec
